
Hearts of iron 3 tutorials
Hearts of iron 3 tutorials

hearts of iron 3 tutorials

  • Production AI: Fixed a bug that could prevent proper building of ships and air units.
  • Production AI: Slight tweak/bugfix for excessive building of land units.
  • hearts of iron 3 tutorials

  • AI should no longer burn manpower when at war if it needs for reinforcement.
  • Will divert TAC and CAG to bomb invasion fleets.
  • Fixed a bug with interceptors constantly being sent to enemy air bases.
  • Transport AI: Fixed a bug with stale transport orders locking up fleets forever.
  • Fixed a nasty problem with the transport AI completely locking up.
  • Better at transporting HQs to the areas with their divisions.
  • Instead, will attempt more landings nearby.
  • Will not reinforce beachheads if it will severely overstack.
  • Prioritizes provinces that border many others.
  • Avoids target provinces with only a strait as a border (like the Channel Islands).
  • Fixed a serious bug with theatre ping*pong of units.
  • Tweaked inter-theatre allocation of units to realize when either theatre is defensive and holds a fortified line.
  • Improved retrieval of armies from foreign areas.
  • Rebalanced inter*theatre unit reassignments.
  • Allies should now be able to operate properly within each other's territory.
  • Fixed an issue with allied fronts not updating correctly.
  • Fixed a bug with AI units going passive due to stale support attack orders.
  • Fixed a bug with fronts ignoring certain coastal provinces.
  • Will reinforce coastal provinces under attack by invaders.
  • Fixed a bad bug that could cause all divisions to go to the same province.
  • Improved garrison code to better handle multiple areas within a theatre.
  • Fixed an issue where it would not return exp forces correctly.
  • Fixed a problem with invaders and overseas units incorrectly being marked as garrisons and locking up.
  • Better checks before allies send their whole army to help against some weak enemy.
  • Fixed a serious superstacking issue with unlimited troops allowed to match and surpass enemy forces.
  • Fixed some problems with reserve usage along fronts that could cause all units to be pulled back (especially for unmobilized countries on DoW.).
  • Fixed some prio issues that stupidly emptied a threatened front province of troops.
  • Fixed an issue with low _current_ infrastructure causing the AI to disregard many front provinces.
  • Improved attack cooperation between countries and different agents.

  • Hearts of iron 3 tutorials